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My Portfolio

Welcome to my portfolio. Here you’ll find a selection of my work. Explore my projects to learn more about what I've accomplished


 It's Challenging but Doable: Lessons Learned from a Remote Collaborative Coding Camp for Elementary Students 

Published at ACM'S SIGSCE 2022 Proceedings

Research conducted with LearnDialogue Lab, University of Florida, under Dr. Kristy Boyer



Exercise Chatbot:

functions as a phone app using React-Native and Dialogflow made during Spoken Dialogue Systems Course with Niklas Wallace 

Exercise Chatbot Github


Movie Recommender System: Used collaborative and content-based filtering in Python to recommend movies to users based on their selection and rating of movies using Tkinter GUI, worked with Demi Iglesias 


Simplified Website PageRank:

Recreated a simplified version of Google’s page rank algorithm to rank websites in terms of relevance and validity using C++ and adjacency lists.


Health Database Forum:

Completed under Google's SPS program under the mentorship of Kevin Workman using HTML, JavaScript, and CSS. Utilized Google Maps API and used anonymized discussion board functionality.


System Calls:

Modified System Calls in the Linux Kernel using C for Operating Systems Course


Memory Manager C++:

Created a memory manager to keep track of memory holes using linked lists utilizing worstFit and bestFit algorithms for Operating Systems Course


Language Builder using Java:

Created a Parser to understand the basic function of a computer reading code for Programming Language Concepts course


TCP Server/Client:

Created a server and client in C++ that functions in two way receiving and sending messages on the command line using an IP address, Port number, and socket for Operating Systems course

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